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Enhance your tactical skills with a combination of instruction, drills and practical applications. Guardian Angel PMCs training programs give you the complete advantage by giving you the right training to ensure you are always prepared. Our training includes courses on pistol and carbine handling as well as establishing a defensive mindset. Whether you are just starting our or an experienced shooter you will find Guardian Angel PMCs courses robust, challenging and safe.

We realize every client is different and each has a set of challenges requiring a specific solution. We can work with your organization to understand your unique requirements and develop a robust training program designed for you. Our training teams are available to instruct at your facility or one of ours.

Handgun Courses

Instinctive Shooting

Understanding the difference between shooting for precision or leisure and shooting for self-defense is a critical skill to develop. The Instinctive Shooting course dives into understanding these differences and works to develop skills for students to be able to practice and prepare themselves for advancement into additional handgun training programs.

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Carry with Confidence

Carry with Confidence is the continuation of the License to Carry course that all concealed carriers should take. This course focuses on the next steps of your self-defense capabilities by teaching students drawing from holster techniques, immediate action situations as well as dealing with multiple threats in a high stress environment.

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Advanced Pistol

Advanced Pistol 1 course takes individuals to their next level in handgun development and employment in dynamic situations. Focusing on learning to shoot while moving, utilizing cover and concealment as well as various shooting techniques are just a few of the skills covered in this course.

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Low Light Pistol

Low Light Pistol course is designed to cover the essentials of light equipment selection, weapon-mounted or hand-held light sources, and provide practical techniques for effective employment, target identification and engagement of potential threats in either low light or no light situations.

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Rifle Courses

Employing the Carbine Rifle

Carbine 1: Employing the Carbine Rifle takes students from a basic understanding of the carbine rifle and develops skills necessary to properly manipulate and employ this weapon system. Within this course individuals learn various aspects of turning to engage threats, shooting on the move, immediate action drills and how to respond when threatened.

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Mastering Combat Carbine

Carbine 2: Mastering the Combat Carbine course continues to develop shooting skills by learning to quickly and accurately engage targets while shooting from the reaction side, as well as over, around, and under a different barriers. Shooters then progress to advance tactics and begin conducting vehicle mounted operations.

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Mastering Integrated Weapons

Mastering Integrated Weapons is designed for the shooters who are looking to advance their knowledge and capabilities utilizing both the carbine rifle and their handguns. In this course the focus will be on advanced tactics such as bi-lateral shooting around cover, communications, alternate firing positions as well as transitioning between weapon systems.

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Team Tactics & CQB

In this course shooters will combine the use of the carbine as a primary weapon system and the pistol as a secondary system. Shooters will learn to efficiently handle their weapons and fire from unorthodox shooting positions, negotiate barriers, engage multiple threats and work in two-man teams. Shooters then progress to learning to operate in an urban environment and learn the basics of close-quarter-battle (CQB).

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Other Courses


GUNFIGHTER Clinics are 4-hour tune-up clinics specifically for those that intend on taking their education of firearms from a basic level up to an advanced level. These clinics are designed for multiple platforms, as well as transitioning between each. These clinics deliver advanced information, such as dealing with malfunctions, motor and biomechanic skills, and incorporating high mental and physical stress, that teach reactionary tactics with your weapon system.


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EDC Clinics

If you are an individual who has your CHL or other licenses to carry a firearm these clinics are for you! Simply having a firearm and the fact you have been to a CHL class is not enough...firearms training is a perishible skill and you need to continue to take it upon yourself to be responisble for your training and skill sets.

During these clinics we will work through situations that you may find yourself in the real-world needing to draw your firearm and defend yourself or others. The time to train for that situation is now not when lives are at stake. Find your limits push past them and be ready for what ever situation you may encounter. If you STAY READY you will never have to GET READY!

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Law Enforcement Courses

Guardian Angel provides comprehensive tactical training courses for law enforcement, military, uniformed security, etc. Learn the latest tried and true tactics from instructors with combat proven skill sets. Our primary objective is the pass on to our shooters firearms and decision making skills they will need in order to operate and survive deadly force encounters.

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Custom/Group Courses

Like to get a group of like minded friends out for the day? How about a unique team building event, or even a bachlor party? Our corporate events are your full service solution. We offer basic packages and you can fully customize what you want and we will do our best to accomidate. These events can either run as full courses and we will block out the course for you or they can be running firearm drills consistant with the level of shooters that you have on the range that day.

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